
Hi there, my name is Jeb Edwards, and I’m a DJ in San Francisco going by the name 50 Pound Note.

I started as a DJ in 1988 while I was working for my college radio station. I learned how to beat-match the old fashioned way, with two turntables and two copies of New Order’s Blue Monday. Over the years I’ve held residencies in several cities, including Louisville, Fort Lauderdale, and here in San Francisco. I’ve spun regularly for the Bearracuda parties in Portland and Seattle, and in recent years added Canada, New Zealand, and Australia to England as the list of countries where I’ve had the chance to showcase my work.

I hope you enjoy the mixes on this site, and will show your support for the artists by purchasing their music, buying their t-shirts, and going to their shows.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Billy

    Hey Dj Jeb. I was newly out and started attending the metro many years ago like early 90s,,, and remember all the great spins like my life with the thrill. Kill cult,,, KMFDM NitzerEbb

    Do you have a spin mix that sort of encompasses all of that? And we certainly can’t forget ask Alice,, david, Diebold, and Kim Cataluna.

  2. Jeb

    Yes! You can find it here http://www.50poundnote.com/?p=83

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