Hercules And Love Affair – The 50 Pound Note Mix

Hercules And Love Affair – The 50 Pound Note Mix

DOWNLOAD (81 MB, 192kbps, 58:53)

Ex Ex Ex (Andrew Butler Hercules Mix) by In Flagranti
Chance (HALA Remix) by Babytalk
A&E (HALA Remix) by Goldfrapp
I’m Telling You
Classique #2
You Belong (Hercules Club Mix)
Falls (HALA Remix) by Bostro Pesopeo
Bad Romance (HALA Dub Remix) by Lady GaGa
Situation (HALA Remix) by Yazoo
I Can’t Wait
Get Myself Together (HALA House Mix) by Chaz Jankel
Blind (Frankie Knuckles Dub)


A good chunk of my musical education came from Julien. We grew up in the same town, came out around the same time, were opposites in many ways, yet he could make me laugh like no one else and 20 years later I still think of him as a close friend. We gravitated to opposite coasts; he lives in New York City, and I live in San Francisco. Julien loves house music and I have several cassette compilations he made for me of his “most influential tracks”.

Hercules And Love Affair’s Andy Butler grew up in Denver listening to house and disco music, and he too gravitated to New York. Andy gets it. While he’s able to score critical and commercial success by collaborating with Antony, he’s also able to craft some of the most down ‘n’ dirty Chicago House tracks this side of 1988 – tracks that feel like it’s 4am in an illegal basement club, packed wall-to-wall with dancers, while condensation drips from the ceiling. In other words, tracks I could have pulled right off Julien’s cassettes.

This is not a gay “WHOO WHOO” throw your hands in the air sort of mix, it’s something to immerse yourself in and let yourself go. It’s funky, trippy, hypnotic, and builds to a beautiful release.

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This entry was posted on Sunday, July 18th, 2010 at 8:42 pm and is filed under Artist Mix. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Hercules And Love Affair – The 50 Pound Note Mix”

  1. christian

    awesome mix. thanks for sharing. I’ve got it rocking my stereo right now! :-)

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